Do You Need a New Thermostat in Your Chicago, IL Home?

The thermostat often goes unnoticed. However, a thermostat serves as a vital communication link with the HVAC system. You should always ensure that it’s in good condition. Here are some telltale signs that it’s time to replace your thermostat in your Chicago, IL, home.

The Display Meter Is Blank

A blank thermostat screen occurs due to several reasons. For example, if you have recently experienced a power surge or are running too many appliances, they might be tripping off the circuit breaker, affecting the thermostat. Other factors such as dead batteries and a blown fuse will also cause the thermostat to switch off.

The breaker panel’s switch should always be at the “On” position for the thermostat to give you a reading. However, if the panel is already on the “On” setting, you should check for a blown fuse using a multimeter. If that doesn’t resolve the issue, schedule an annual tune-up with your HVAC technician, who will inspect the thermostat and decide whether you need to replace the batteries or purchase a new thermostat.

The Thermostat Is Too Old

You will need to replace an old and outdated thermostat. Most thermostats have a lifespan of up to 10 years. However, you can still replace your non-programmable thermostat with a smart thermostat, which comes with better and advanced features.

The HVAC Unexpectedly Turns On/Off

Your HVAC system should be able to take commands from the thermostat without any problem. However, if the HVAC isn’t adequately communicating with the thermostat to heat and cool your Chicago, IL, home, the thermostat might have a problem.

A damaged or frayed wiring system comprises the connection of the HVAC to the thermostat. A professional HVAC technician can diagnose this problem and alert you on whether you need to purchase a new thermostat.

Increased Energy Bills

An unexpected increase in your energy bills can signal a problem with the thermostat. When the thermostat doesn’t give off the correct temperature readings, the HVAC will overwork since it tends to cycle more times per hour, thus increasing energy consumption.

If you notice an increase in your energy bills, schedule a tune-up service, and the HVAC technician will tell you whether you should purchase a more energy-efficient thermostat. If you reside in Chicago, IL, contact us at Perfect Temperature Control to schedule your thermostat installation, maintenance or repair service.

Image provided by iStock

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